Orch0-Gen one two three.doc                                                                                                                 File last edited 30 Apr 2018 +


This file contains the earliest family of ORCHARDS in MAWGAN-IN-MENEAGE, Cornwall

For an overall index of this family see the Orchard INDEX file.

For earlier Mawgan generations see the Orchard ORIGINS file.

For a brief history of my own Mawgan branch of Orchard family see the Orchard HISTORY file.

This file was put together jointly by Ken F STEWART < kjstew@iinet.net.au > and Ernie ORCHARD < orchardme@att.net > and added data was provided by many others

This tree is provided to family historians without prejudice. I have constructed most of my family trees using the data I have available, and in a few cases it is estimated as the best fit from available choices. In this tree, several of the links are yet to be proved, so any help that you can give to confirm any line would be appreciated by me and others searching in this family. More modern families also need your inputs, because as I can link modern families to each other, and thus it enables a focus on their common ancestry. The memories of one branch may not be complete, but yet may fill in gaps of another branch. Only by a concerted effort can we really define the true lineage. Help me to help you by sharing what you have. Many additional details have been provided by other researchers and where possible I have included the contributor's email addresses within the file next to their families, however there are countless others also involved. I am willing to also add you in to your ORCHARD family. My thanks to you all.

Ken STEWART < kjstew@iinet.net.au >      2003


Other than the standard abbreviations and Chapman County codes I also use

(OPR) to show I extracted the data myself from the parish registers on microfilm, or have been given the full details, often by the Online Parish Clerks’ website (OPC)

(IGI reg) to designate source of IGI materials with "registers" source codes

(IGI) to show IGI materials with another source (not always reliable)

"c" before year date to show an estimated year

"cc" before year date to show I have used the spouse's date data as a rough guide

Hyperlinks in bold print open up new files.




b. c1685 Cornwall, Eng. (likely s/o either Edmund or Francis of Breage / Mawgan-in-Meneage

- see EARLY ORCHARDs file)

m. c1712 Cornwall, Eng. d.  28 Jan 1748 (or Jun 1750?) Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. bd. 28 Jun 1748 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (the Elder, OPC online - BT's)


bp. 8 Aug 1694 Mawgan-in-Meneage, Con, Eng. (d/o Joseph BASSETT yeoman of Nanseven, Trevilgen and Boscawen in Mawgan-in-Meneage and Sibill JAMES (or Zibella bp.14 Jan 1653), daughter of Thomas JAMES, yeoman of Perranuthnoe and widow of Joseph's cousin Peter BASSETT, yeoman of Nanseven in Mawgan (4 Jan 1649-14 Apr 1681). Co-executrix of her father's will 1728. bd. 9th Aug 1750 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (OPC online - BT's) - Ten children, nine born in Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng.

(Early BASSETT research is the interest of "Bruce Bennett" <brucejbennett@hotmail.com>) see BASSETT notes below



Hannibal ORCHARD  bp. 12 Mar 1713 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Philip & Mary, IGI reg & OPC online) m. 27 Apr 1738 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (Phillimores p. 153 & OPC online) bd. 24 Jul 1780 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (OPC online – Note – only option from three burials in the 1780s)    m/to

Elizabeth TRENOWITH bp. 9 Sep 1711 MiM, Con, Eng. d. 20 Jun 1785 MiM, Con, Eng. - for family see O1



William ORCHARD bp. 7 Mar 1715 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Philip & Mary, IGI reg & OPC online) bd. 15 Dec 1730 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (IGI reg, s/o Philip - OPC online - BT's)



Mary ORCHARD bp. 4 Mar 1718 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Philip & Mary, IGI reg & OPC online) d. before 1729 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng.



Philip ORCHARD  bp. 10 May 1719 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Philip & Mary, IGI reg & OPC online) m. 2 Feb 1739 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (Phillimores p.153 & OPC online) d. 18 Dec 1755 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (Ancestry).   m/to

Mary TREWREN b. c1720 Con, Eng. - for family see O4



Sibbel ORCHARD  bp. 27 Dec 1722 Cury, Con, Eng. (s/o Philip & Mary, OPC online)



Elizabeth ORCHARD bp. 26 Sep 1725 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Philip & Mary, IGI reg & OPC online) d. 20 Jul 1743 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. bd. 28 Jul 1743 (d/o Philip, OPC online - BT's)



Francis ORCHARD  bp. 11 Feb 1727 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Philip & Mary, IGI reg & OPC online) m. 30 Oct 1750 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (Francis otp & Alice of Helston, Phillimores p. 154 & OPC Mawgan) bd. 21st Mar 1806 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (Frances in OPC online) aged 80 years.    m/to

Alice PASCOE b. c1730 Con, Eng. bd. 4 May 1798 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (w/o Francis, OPC online) - see O6



Mary ORCHARD bp. 4 Jan 1729 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Philip & Mary, IGI reg & OPC online) likely the single mother

A. William ORCHER bp. 17 Feb 1750 Cury, Con, Eng.  (s/o Mary ORCHER, IGI reg)



William ORCHARD bp. 27 Aug 1732 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Philip & Mary, IGI reg & OPC online) d. 18 Dec 1733 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (IGI reg) bd. 16 Dec 1733 Mawgan-in-Meneage (s/o Philip, OPC online - BT's)



Anne ORCHARD bp. 11 May 1735 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Philip & Mary, IGI reg & OPC online)










There are three families of the sons of Philip Orchard and Mary of Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Cornwall who were the foundation of the giant and worldwide Orchard Tree




(O1.)                                        Hannibal ORCHARD

bp. 12 Mar 1713 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Philip & Mary, IGI reg)

First child, son of Philip ORCHARD and Mary BASSETT of Mawgan‑in‑Meneage,

(named after his uncle, Hannibal BASSETT, who died unmarried in 1709, in his 22nd year,

 commemorated by a small brass in the Mawgan-in-Meneage church).

m. 27 Mar 1738 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (Phillimores p. 153 & OPC online)

bd. 24 Jul 1780 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (OPC online – Note – only option from 3 in 1780s)



bp. 9 Sep 1711 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. 

     dau of Henry TRENOWITH and Jane of Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con.

d. 20 Jun 1785 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (OPC online) - Two children



Hannibal ORCHARD  bp. 5 Mar 1739 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Hannibal & Elizabeth, IGI reg & OPC online) bd. 18 Jan 1746 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (IGI reg; s/o Hannibal, OPC online - BT's)



William ORCHARD  bp. 1 Nov 1742 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o

 Hannibal & Elizabeth, IGI reg & OPC online) d. 10 Feb 1766 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng.




(O4.)                                        Philip ORCHARD

bp. 10 May 1719 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Philip & Mary, IGI reg)

     Fourth child, son of Philip ORCHARD and Mary BASSETT of Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng.

m. 2 Feb 1739 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (Phillimores p.153 & OPC online)

d. 18 Dec 1755 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (Ancestry).   m/to



bp. 27 Jul 1718 St Hilary, Con, Eng. (dau of Joseph Trewen) - Seven children



William ORCHARD bp. 6 Jan 1740 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Philip & Mary, IGI reg & OPC online) m. 1 Dec 1765 Helston (?), Con, Eng.  d. 26 May 1778 Mawgan‑ in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (OPC online has 25 May 1777),   m/to

Diana RALPH bp. c1740 Con, Eng.

1.  Diana ORCHARD bp. 25 May 1766 Helston, Con, Eng.



Joseph ORCHARD bp. 24 Jun 1743 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Philip & Mary, IGI reg & OPC online) d. 13 Nov 1743 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (IGI reg; s/o Philip, OPC online - BT's) infant death



Jane ORCHARD  bp. 17 Feb 1744 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (d/o Philip/ Mary, IGI reg & OPC online) d. 12 Feb 1754 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (IGI reg; d/o Philip, OPC online - BT's) child death



Elizabeth ORCHARD  bp. 6 Jan 1747 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (d/o Philip & Mary, IGI reg & OPC online) d. 31 Jan 1747 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage Con, Eng. (IGI reg & OPC online) infant death



Philip ORCHARD bp. 27 Feb 1748 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Philip & Mary, IGI reg & OPC online) m. 8 Dec 1774 Perranuthnoe, Con, Eng,   m/to

Ann BASTARD b. c1750 Con, Eng. - see family at O4E



Joseph ORCHARD bp. 6 Jan 1752 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Philip & Mary, IGI reg & OPC online) proc. 28 Nov 1772 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (both otp, Phillimores p. 158 & OPC Mawgan),   m/to

Prudence ROGERS bp. 22 Nov 1747 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. bd. 6 Oct 1791

 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (w/o Joseph, OPC online) - eight probable children - see family at O4F

Joseph ORCHARD of the parish of Mawgan and Prudence ROGERS of the same were married by banns 28 Nov1772 by me Jas. BEVAN, curate. The marks of bride and groom. Witnesses were Richard WILLIAMS and Sampson STEPHENS



Hannibal ORCHARD  bp. 1 May 1755 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Phillip & Mary, IGI reg & OPC online) d. 24 Sep 1755 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (IGI reg & s/o Philip & Mary on 4 Sep in OPC online)






(O6.)                                        Francis ORCHARD

bp. 11 Feb 1727 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Philip &Mary, IGI reg)

     Seventh child, son of  Philip ORCHARD and Mary BASSETT of Mawgan‑in‑Meneage

m. 30 Oct 1750 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (Francis of this parish & Alice of Helston, Phillimores p.154 & OPC Mawgan)

bd. 21 Mar 1806 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (Frances in OPC online) aged 80 years,   m/to



b. c1727 of Helston, Con, Eng. (OPC Mawgan)

bd. 4 May 1798 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (w/o Francis, OPC online) - seven children



Anne ORCHARD bp. 8 Sep 1751 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (d/o Francis & Alice, IGI reg & OPC online) likely m. 19 Oct 1773 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (Ann otp & James of Cury, Phillimores p. 160 & OPC Mawgan),   m/to

James SKEWES b. cc1751 of Cury, Con, Eng.

James SKEWES of the parish of Cury and Anne ORCHARD of the parish of Mawgan were married by banns 19 Oct 1773 by me James BEVAN, curate. James and Ann (her spelling) signed their own signatures and the witnesses were Francis ORCHARD and Sampson STEPHENS. [surname is ORCHARD not RICHARD as in Phillimore's]



Francis ORCHARD bp. 31 Dec 1753 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage Con, Eng. (s/o Francis & Alice, IGI reg & OPC online) bd. 16 Jan 1777 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (OPC online) died young



Hannibal ORCHARD bp. c1750's England. proc. 6 Jul 1777 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (both otp, Phillimores p. 158 & OPC Mawgan) likely bd. 27 Dec 1785 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (OPC online – Note: date is after birth of youngest child and before remarriage of his widow),   m/to 

Anne PASCOE b. cc1750's Con, Eng. - six children - see O6C

Hannibal ORCHARD and Ann PASCOE, both of this parish were married by banns 06 Jul 1777 by me John FARNHAM, curate. Marks of both bride and groom. Witnesses were ??nno? ORCHARD and Sampson STEPHENS


likely second marriage of Anne ORCHARD (nee PASCOE) on 10 Feb 1789 in Mawgan‑in‑ Meneage to William WILLIAMS who was likely a brother-in-law to Hannibal's brother Edmund ORCHARD (William sojourner & Ann widow, both otp, OPC Mawgan),   m/to

William WILLIAMS b. cc1751 Con, Eng. Biog: sojourner in 1789

William WILLIAMS, sojourner in this parish and Ann ORCHARD of this parish, widow, were married by banns 10 Feb 1789 by me John FARNHAM, curate. Marks of both bride and groom. Witnesses were Francis ORCHARD and Sampson STEPHENS.



Edmund ORCHARD  bp. 27 May 1759 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Francis/ Alice, IGI reg & OPC online) proc. 25 Jul 1784 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (both otp, Phillimores p. 159 & OPC Mawgan),   m/to

Margaret WILLIAMS b. c1764 Con, Eng. - ten children - see O6D

Edmund ORCHARD and Margaret WILLIAMS, both of this parish, by banns, 25 Jul 1784 by me J. FARNHAM, curate. Marks of both bride and groom. Witnesses were Richard WILLIAMS & Sampson STEPHENS (signature of Richard Williams is same as the one at Joseph and Prudence's wedding)



Mary ORCHARD  bp. 1 Jan 1763 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (d/o Francis & Alice, IGI reg & OPC online) bd. 14 Jan 1764 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (IGI reg OPC online) infant death



Philip ORCHARD bp. 9 Jun 1765 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Francis & Alice, IGI reg & OPC online) m. 11 May 1789 Mawnan, Con, Eng,   m/to

Mary TREGLOAN b. 1774 Con, Eng. - fourteen children - see O6F

(ancestors of Ernie ORCHARD of Michigan)



William ORCHARD  bp. 25 Mar 1770 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Francis & Alice, IGI reg & OPC online) m. 9 Apr 1793 Constantine, Con, Eng. (both of Constantine, wit: John GOLDSWORTHY & Charles V PENROSE, banns 17,24,31 Mar, Phillimores & OPC online),   m/to

Jane LOCK b. cc1770 Con, Eng. - seven children - see O6G







The migration pattern of this family is quite traceable from the place of birth of their offspring.  The left side of the tree comprising the family of the elder sons ‑ Hannibal (1713‑1785) and Philip (1719‑ ), and thus the usual heirs to any farming lands,  mainly stayed in Mawgan until around 1850.  By this time the younger sons families were expanding quite quickly so would be causing some economic pressure on the small farming community. When the South Australian Company opened land up for farming and settling, then Victoria had its gold rushes, and the Silver‑Lead mines of Moonta and Wallaroo began in South Australia, these young farmers joined the many Cornish families who left for Australia.  It is noticeable that these families after reaching South Australia seemed to concentrate on farming rather than mining.


The right side of the tree had the growing families of Francis Orchard (and Alice Pascoe), the youngest son of Philip and Mary. By not having the farming birthright of his eldest brother his own family would have felt the pressure of the need for meaning‑ full employment much earlier and began to move out of Mawgan‑in‑Meneage around 1800,  seeking a living from the mines of Cornwall in Redruth.  The youngest ‑ William, married Jane in Constantine and settled Redruth c1795. Next move came from Edmund and Margaret in c1802, and lastly Philip and Mary in c1808 (but then their eldest William married in Redruth and moved back to Mawgan in c1818).  From these Redruth families were the immigrants who mainly went to the USA.  I get the feeling that their main urge for migration was mining in the USA.  At least one family is found in the Copper mines of Upper Michigan and sections of this family also joined mining towns in South Australia and Victoria.


Another grandson of Philip and Mary ‑ Hannibal (1750's‑1785) is in limbo between these two groups.  He is not attributed definitely to either side of the tree as yet.  He married around 1775 and had six children, but died in 1785 in the year his youngest was born.  This would have left his wife Ann Pascoe with six youngsters and no supporting father.  It is most likely Ann (nee Pascoe) who took her young family to Sithney, probably to be with her own family.  Here they grew and married around 1806 or later and began large Sithney families.


I have assumed this story by reading between the lines, and applying a little knowledge of social history of both Cornwall and South Australia.

                                                                                                            Ken STEWART

                                                                                                            26 Apr 1990


Strays in early Mawgan


Frances ORCHARD b. c1710 Con, Eng. m. 14 Feb 1731 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (OPC Mawgan),   m/to

John MANNEL b. cc1710 Con, Eng.




Jane ORCHARD b. Eng. bd. 26 Dec 1767 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (OPC online)


orch0doc                                                                                                                         4 Apr 1999





The children of Philip Orchard and Mary Trewren remained mainly in Mawgan or moved to the nearby areas of Perranuthnoe and Crowan to raise their families. 


However around the turn of the century the four sons of Francis Orchard and Alice Pascoe moved from Mawgan‑in‑Meneage to bring up large families in Sithney and Redruth.  This divided the Mawgan ‑ in‑Meneage family into two large halves


The six main third generation Orchard families are detailed in the following pages. I have not expanded the family trees here but they lead to the big family trees that I have developed in other files. Ken STEWART <kjstew@iinet.net.au>








bp. 27 Feb 1748 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Philip & Mary, IGI reg)

     son of Philip ORCHARD and Mary TREWREN of Mawgan‑in‑Meneage

m. 8 Dec 1774 Perranuthnoe, Con, Eng. (IGI reg)

d. Con, Eng,   m/to


b. c1748 Con, Eng. - seven children



Mary ORCHARD bp. 26 Nov 1775 Perranuthnoe, Con, Eng. (d/o Philip & Ann, IGI reg)



Mary ORCHARD bp. 26 Jan 1777 Perranuthnoe, Con, Eng. (d/o Philip & Ann, IGI reg),   m/to

Gedion REED - for likely family see within brother Joseph's file at O4E2 – Orch6



Joseph ORCHARD bp. 24 Nov 1782 Perranuthnoe, Con, Eng. (d/o Philip & Ann, IGI reg) m. abt May 1812 Mawgan‑in‑ Meneage, Con, Eng. (Phillimores p.164),   m/to

Prudence ORCHARD bp. 1787 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. d. Con, Eng.

two children - see O4E3-Orch6 file



Mark ORCHARD  bp. 13 Jan 1785 Perranuthnoe, Con, Eng. (d/o Philip & Ann, IGI reg)



Jane ORCHARD bp. 2 Sep 1787 Perranuthnoe, Con, Eng. (d/o Philip & Ann, IGI reg)



Elizabeth ORCHARD bp. 8 Mar 1789 Perranuthnoe, Con, Eng. (d/o Philip & Ann, IGI reg)



William ORCHARD bp. 17 Jan 1796 Perranuthnoe, Con, Eng. (d/o Philip & Ann, IGI reg) m1. 24 Sep 1818 Crowan, Con, Eng,   First m/to

Hanna CORY

four children in Crowan – see O4E7-Orch6 file


Second marriage m2. 30 Oct 1827 Crowan, Con, Eng,   Second m/to

Mary WILLIAMS – six children in Crowan











bp. 6 Jan 1751/1752 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Philip & Mary, IGI reg)

     son of Philip ORCHARD and Mary TREWREN of Mawgan‑in‑Meneage

proc. 28 Nov 1772 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (both otp, Phillimores p. 158 & OPC Mawgan)

"Joseph ORCHARD to Predence ROGERS, both of this parish, by banns - 28 Nov 1772"

d. 29 Mar 1822 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. bd. 31 Mar 1822 of Trevassack, Mawgan in Meneage, Con, Eng. (of Trevasack (near Gonhilly Downs) aged 70 years of consumption, OPC online) aged 72 years,   m/to

ORCHARD Headstone in Mawgan-in-Meneage Cemetery

"Sacred to the memory of Joseph ORCHARD late of this parish d. 29th Mar 1822 aged 72 years"


Prudence ROGERS

bp. 22 Nov 1747 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (d/o John ROGERS and Prudence SECOMB)

bd. 6 Oct 1791 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (w/o Joseph, OPC online) - eight children



William ORCHARD bp. 27 Apr 1773 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Joseph ORCHARD & Prudence ROGERS, IGI reg & OPC online) proc. 23 Mar 1797 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (both otp, Phillimores p. 161 & OPC Mawgan) d. 3 Feb 1853 Garris, Mawgan, Con, Eng. (D.cert-KS in Q1 1853 #5c/571 Helston & obit: West Briton Friday 11th February, 1853) bd. 6 Feb 1853 (OPC online) aged 79 years,   m/to

Elizabeth (Betty) COOKE bp. 20 Apr 1777 MiM, Con, Eng. (d/o Thomas COOK & Jane ROGERS or BOLITHO) d. 29 Dec 1846 Garras, Mawgan-in-Meneage, Con, Eng. (w/o William ORCHARD yeoman, D.cert-KS in Q1 1847 #9/85 Helston) bd. 1 Jan 1847 (OPC online) aged 69 years - seven children - see family at O4F1 – Orch3

William ORCHARD and Elizabeth COOKE, both of this parish were married by banns 23 Mar 1797 by me J. FARNHAM, curate. William signed, Elizabeth, mark. Witnesses were Thomas COOKE and Sampson STEPHENS



Joseph ORCHARD bp. c1775 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. proc. 27 Dec 1798 Mawgan ‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (both otp, Phillimores p. 161 & OPC Mawgan) likely d. 1 Sep 1841 Tregear, Mawgan in Meneage, Con, Eng. (OPC online & Q3 1841 #9/78 Helston) aged 64 years of slow fever,   m/to

Ann CURNOW b. 1769 bd. 10 Jul 1846 Gonhilly Downs, Mawgan in Meneage, Con, Eng. (OPC online & Q3 1846 #9/73 Helston) aged 77 years of croup - five children –

see family at O4F2 – Orch4

Joseph ORCHARD and Ann CURNOW, both of this parish were married by banns 27 Dec 1798 by me J. FARNHAM, curate. Joseph & Ann both signed. Wit: John CORNOW & Sampson STEPHENS



Philip ORCHARD bp. 1 Mar 1778 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Joseph/ Prudence, IGI reg & OPC online) m. 24 Jul 1798 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng,   m/to

Jane HITCHENS, four children - see family at O4F3 - Orch5



Hannibal ORCHARD bp. 1 Apr 1781 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con Eng. (s/o Joseph/ Prudence, IGI reg & OPC online) d. 18 May 1781 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (OPC online – Note – only possibility after 1781 and before 1783) infant death.



Hannibal ORCHARD bp. 30 Mar 1783 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Joseph/ Prudence, IGI reg & OPC online) m. 10 Sep 1808 Constantine, Con, Eng. (Hannibal of Mawgan, Grace spinster of Constantine, wit: John TREAYNE & William ROWE, Phillimores & OPC online) d. 23 Mar 1842 Falmouth, Con, Eng. (Q1 1842 #9/56 Falmouth & 27 Mar in OPC Mawgan) aged 59 years of dropsy,   m/to

Grace TREMAINE,  b. 1783 Mawgan, Con, Eng. -  three children - see O45F-Orch6



John ORCHARD bp. 26 Jan 1785 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Joseph/ Prudence,

 IGI reg & OPC online) d. 21 Jun 1801 & bd. 25 Jun 1801 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Joseph, bd. 27 Jun in OPC online) aged 16 years.



Prudence ORCHARD bp. 26 Dec 1787 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (d/o Joseph/ Prudence, IGI reg & OPC online) proc. May 1812 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (Joseph of Crowan & Prudence spinster otp, Phillimores p.164 & OPC Mawgan) d. Con, Eng,   m/to

Joseph ORCHARD bp. 24 Nov 1782 Perranuthnoe, Con, Eng. d. in Mawgan‑in‑Meneage,

 Con, two children  - see O4E3 – Orch6 file



Mary ORCHARD bp. 10 Oct 1790 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (d/o Joseph/Prudence, IGI reg & OPC online) likely this Mary proc. 19 Apr 1813 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (Mary spinster & Richard husbandman, both of Mawgan, wit: William ORCHARD & Sampson STEPHENS, OPC Mawgan & BT's),   m/to

Richard UREN b. cc1790 Con, Eng. Biog: husbandman in 1813



John BOADEN’s Memoirs - circa 1903

… William & Betsy Orchard, the former having 3 brothers, Hannibal who was a successful seafaring man who resided at Falmouth and sailed in a Packet ship.  E.J. spent some holidays there. The other brothers were Philip who farmed County Bridge, and thatched for the farmers, and Joe who was a highway labourer, his wife who kept the grocer´s shop where Mr Pearce lives now.








Hannibal ORCHARD

bp. Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng.

    likely third child, son of Francis ORCHARD and Alice PASCOE of Mawgan‑in-Meneage, Eng.

proc. 6 Jul 1777 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (both otp, Phillimores p. 158 & OPC Mawgan)

likely bd. 27 Dec 1785 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (OPC online – Note: after birth of youngest, before remarriage of widow),   m/to


b. cc1750's Con, Eng. - Six children



Philip ORCHARD probably bp. c1775 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. m. 18 Apr1807 Sithney, Con, d.  Con, Eng,   m/to

Ann EDDY, four children in Sithney - see family at O6C1 – Orch7



Ann ORCHARD  bp. 28 Dec 1777 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (d/o Hannibal/ Ann, IGI reg & OPC online) proc. 21 Nov 1799 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (both otp, Phillimores p. 161 & OPC Mawgan),   m/to

Alexander JOHNS Jr b. cc1777 Con, Eng.

Alexander JOHNS Junior and Ann ORCHARD both of this parish were married by banns 21 Nov 1799 by me J. FARNHAM, curate. Sign of Alexander and Ann signed. Witnesses were Philip ORCHARD and Sampson STEPHENS



Francis ORCHARD bp. 25 Jun 1780 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Hannibal/ Ann, IGI reg & OPC online) m. 27 Dec 1819 Sithney, Con, Eng. d. Con, Eng,   m/to 

Joyce LAITY  b.c1780 - five children in Sithney - see family in O6C3 – Orch7



Hannibal ORCHARD bp. 11 Nov 1781 Falmouth, Con, Eng. m. 26 May 1806 Sithney, Con, Eng. d. 26 May 1841 Sithney, Con, Eng. (OPC online) aged 59 years,   m/to

Mary EDDY  bp. c1786 - eight children in Sithney - see family in O6C4 – Orch7



John ORCHARD bp. 31 Aug 1783 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Hannibal/ Ann, IGI reg & OPC online) bd. 17 Jan 1786 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (IGI reg & OPC online)



William ORCHARD bp. 8 May 1785 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Hannibal/ Ann, IGI reg & OPC online) bd. 21 Jan 1786 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (IGI reg & OPC online)



Second marriage of Anne ORCHARD (nee PASCOE). William WILLIAMS was likely a brother-in-law to Hannibal's brother Edmund ORCHARD

William WILLIAMS b. cc1751 Con, Eng. Biog: sojourner in 1789

William WILLIAMS, sojourner in this parish and Ann ORCHARD of this parish, widow, were married by banns 10 Feb 1789 by me John FARNHAM, curate. Marks of both bride and groom. Witnesses were Francis ORCHARD and Sampson STEPHENS.











bp. 27 May 1759 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng.

     son of Francis ORCHARD and Alice PASCOE of Mawgan‑in‑Meneage

proc. 25 Jul 1784 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (both otp, Phillimores p. 159 & OPC Mawgan)

d. Con, Eng,   m/to


bp. c1764 - Ten children



Mary ORCHARD bp. 14 Jun 1785 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (d/o Edmund/

 Margaret, IGI reg & OPC online)



Margaret ORCHARD  bp. 27 Feb 1787 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (d/o Edmund/ Margaret, IGI reg & OPC online) single parent

A.  Elizabeth ORCHARD bp. 10 Nov 1807 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (bastard d/o Margaret ORCHARD, IGI reg & OPC online)



Alice ORCHARD bp. 5 Jun 1791 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (d/o Edmund/ Margaret, IGI reg & OPC online) m. 27 Jan 1821 Redruth, Con, Eng. (IGI reg),   m/to

Samuel REYNOLDS b. cc1791 Con, Eng.



Edmund ORCHARD  bp. 9 Jun 1793 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Edmund/ Margaret, IGI reg & OPC online) m. 9 Nov 1816 St Agnes near Truro, Con, Eng. (wit: Roger DANIELL & Philip ORCHARD - OPR pg 45),   m/to

Chissey FAULL b. cc1791 Con, Eng. - one child - see O6D4 – Orch8



Philip ORCHARD bp. 31 Jul 1796 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Edmund/ Margaret, IGI reg & OPC online) m. 25 Dec 1821 Truro, Con, d. Con, moved in c1802 to Redruth,   m/to

Elizabeth (Betsy) JOHN bp. c1800 Con, Eng. - eight children - see O6D5 – Orch8



John ORCHARD bp. 27 Jan 1799 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Edmund/ Margaret, IGI reg & OPC online) m. 26 Apr 1823 St Agnes near Truro. Con, Eng,   m/to

Elizabeth REYNOLDS b.cc1799 Con, Eng. - six children - see O6D6 – Orch8



Richard Williams ORCHARD bp. 10 Jul 1801 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Edmund/ Margaret, IGI reg & OPC online)



Richard ORCHARD  bp. 17 Apr 1803 Redruth, Con, Eng. (s/o Edmund/ Margaret, IGI reg) m. 23 Dec 1823 Redruth, Con, Eng. (IGI reg),   m/to

Rebecca RESEIGH b. 25 Dec 1804 Redruth, Con, Eng. - 7 children – see O6D8 – Orch8



Ann ORCHARD bp. 2 Jun 1805 Redruth, Con, Eng. (d/o Edmund/ Margaret, IGI reg) m. 25 Mar 1830 Redruth, Con, Eng. (IGI reg),   m/to

Samuel BENALLACK b. cc1805 Con, Eng.



Martha ORCHARD bp. 5 Feb 1809 Redruth, Con, Eng. (d/o Edmund/ Margaret, IGI reg)















bp. 9 Jun 1765 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Francis & Alice, IGI reg)

     son of Francis ORCHARD and Alice PASCOE of Mawgan‑in‑Meneage who moved c1809 to

     Redruth, Cornwall.

m. 11 May 1789 Mawnan, Con, Eng.

d. Con, Eng,   m/to


bp. c1775 Con, Eng. died after 1841, Biog: independent (65) in Sparnon Gate in Redruth in 1841 - Fifteen children


1841 census - #RG-143/14, ED 2/18/3a Sparnon Gate, Redruth, Con, Eng.



















































William ORCHARD bp. 24 Apr 1790 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Philip & Mary,

 IGI reg & OPC online) likely bd. 18 Feb 1792 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (illegible s/o Philip & Mary, OPC online)



Maria Couch ORCHARD bp. 14 Jun 1791 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Philip & Mary, IGI reg & OPC online)



William ORCHARD bp. 14 Oct 1792 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Philip & Mary, IGI reg & OPC online) m. 4 Nov 1815 Redruth, Con, Eng,   m/to

Elizabeth ARTHUR b. cc1792 Con, Eng. - five children in O6F3 – Orch9



Maria ORCHARD bp. 22 Feb 1795 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Philip & Mary, IGI reg & OPC online) m. 24 Jul 1821 Redruth, Con, Eng. (IGI reg),   m/to

Joseph JOHNS b. cc1795 Con, Eng.



Mary ORCHARD bp. 26 Dec 1796 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Philip & Mary, IGI reg & OPC online) likely m. 17 Jan 1830 Redruth, Con, Eng. (IGI reg),   m/to

Andrew CLEMMA b. cc1796 Con, Eng.



Nathanael ORCHARD bp. 4 May 1798 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Philip & Mary, IGI reg & OPC online) m. 28 Feb 1824 Illogan, Con, Eng,   m/to

Catharine JACKA bp. 1804 Con, Eng. - six known children in O6F6 – Orch9



Grace ORCHARD bp. 27 Oct 1799 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Philip & Mary, IGI reg & OPC online) bd. 5 May 1800 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (d/o Philip & Mary, OPC online) infant aged 6 months



Joseph ORCHARD bp. 8 Sep 1800 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Philip & Mary, IGI reg & OPC online)



Philip ORCHARD bp. 13 Jun 1802 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Philip & Mary, IGI reg & OPC online)



Hannibal ORCHARD bp. 15 Apr 1804 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Philip & Mary, IGI reg & OPC online),   m/to

Elizabeth GARTRELL b. 1807 Con, Eng. - nine known children in O6F10 – Orch9

(ancestors of Ernie ORCHARD of Michigan)



Elizabeth ORCHARD bp. 26 May 1805 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Philip & Mary, IGI reg & OPC online)



Cathrine ORCHARD bp. 31 Aug 1806 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Philip & Mary, IGI reg & OPC online) single mother

A. Cathrine ORCHARD bp. 5 Mar 1826 Mawgan-in-Meneage, Con, Eng. (bastard d/o Cathrine ORCHARD, IGI reg & OPC online)

later Catharine ORCHARD likely m. 12 Aug 1829 Illogan, Con, Eng. (IGI reg),   m/to

John HARRIS b. cc1806



Philip ORCHARD bp. 6 Nov 1808 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Philip & Mary, IGI reg & OPC online),   m/to

Elizabeth BOUCHER b. cc1808 Con, Eng. - twelve children in O6F12 – Orch9



Grace ORCHARD bp. 6 Nov 1808 Redruth, Con, Eng. (d/o Philip & Mary, IGI reg) m.13 Sep 1834 St Euny, Redruth, Con, Eng. (IGI reg),   m/to

(likely) James Joseph HUGO b.cc1808 Con, Eng. - likely family at O6F13 – Orch9



Edmund ORCHARD bp. 30 Sep 1810 Redruth, Con, Eng. (s/o Philip & Mary, IGI reg)











bp. 25 Mar 1770 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Cornwall, England.

     son of Francis ORCHARD and Alice PASCOE of Mawgan‑in‑Meneage who moved c1795 to

     Redruth, Cornwall.

m. 9 Apr 1793 Constantine, Cornwall, England.

d. Cornwall, England,   m/to


b. cc1770 - seven children



Francis ORCHARD bp. 13 Apr 1794 Constantine, Con, Eng. (s/o William & Jane, IGI reg  & OPC online) m. 13 Apr 1821 Cury, Con, Eng. (Francis of Redruth & Ann of Cury, wit: James SKEWES & William TEPPET, OPC online)  m/to

Ann WILLIAMS b. cc1794 - three children - see file O6G1 – Orch9



John ORCHARD bp. 24 Jul 1796 Redruth, Con, Eng. (s/o William/ Jane, IGI reg)     m/to

Christian WILLOUGHBY - see file O6G2 – Orch9



William ORCHARD bp. 20 May 1804 Redruth, Con, Eng. (s/o William/ Jane, IGI reg)



Samuel ORCHARD bp. 9 Nov 1806 Redruth, Con, Eng. (s/o William/ Jane, IGI reg)



Edmund ORCHARD bp. 13 Nov 1808 Redruth, Con, Eng. (s/o William/ Jane, IGI reg)



Jenny ORCHARD bp. 11 Mar 1810 Redruth, Con, Eng. (d/o William/ Jane, IGI reg)



Edmund ORCHARD bp. 23 Aug 1812 Redruth, Con, Eng. (s/o William/ Jane, IGI reg)





This tree has been constructed from the notes of Bruce BENNETT and the IGI online


(1) Hannibal BASSETT

b. c1575 Mawgan-in-Meneage, Con, Eng.

Likely s/o John BASSETT, possibly mother Margery (bd. 13 May 1589 St Martin)

Possibly named after Hannibal VYVYAN (1554-1609) of Trelowarren, St Martin, (ref: B.BENNETT) (possibly parents John BASSETT & Paskes TBD, IGI patron)

m. 17 Feb 1602 Mawgan-in-Meneage, Con, Eng. (OPR, BB) & (IGI patron)

d. Dec 1641 will written 4 Dec 1641, proved in 1641 - see Will of Hanniball BASSET below.

Biog: yeoman of Nansevyn Vean tenement,  m/to


b. cc1575 Mawgan-in-Meneage, Con, Eng, (likely d/o Peter HARRIE (bd. 4 Jun 1609 Mawgan) & Elizabeth ROBERTE m.3 Oct 1568 Mawgan) Biog: bequeathed half the tenement of Nanseven in husband's will of 1641.



John BASSET bp. 18 Dec 1603 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Hanniball, IGI reg)



John BASSET bp. 9 Dec 1604 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Hanniball, IGI reg) m. 26 Jan 1636 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (OPR, BB) Biog: bequeathed half the tenement of Nanseven and the tenement lease of Trebeasacke in father's will of 1641.   m/to

Elynor OLDE bp. 17 Feb 1612 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (d/o Symon OLD (bp. 2 Jun 1588) & Sisley ROBERT m.29 Jan 1609 Mawgan - OPR, BB) see family of John & Elinor below



Margerie BASSET bp. 1 Jun 1608 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (d/o Hanniball, IGI reg) Biog: named to inherit 20 nobles (1/3 of a pound) in father's will of 1641.



Amy BASSET bp. 5 Dec 1610 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (d/o Hanniball, bt's IGI reg) d. 11 Dec 1610 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (bt's, IGI reg)



Richard BASSETT bp. 3 Jan 1611 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, (s/o Hanniball, bt's IGI reg)

Michaell BASSEET  bp. 30 Jan 1611 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Hanniball, opr IGI reg) bd. 1611 (ref: B.BENNETT)

(Michael in the pr's and Richard in the bt's are from different IGI extractions - probably the same person = Michael)



Peter BASSETTE bp. 24 Jun 1613 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Hanniball, IGI reg). Biog: bequeathed the tenement lease of Basserow in father's will of 1641,   m/to

Joan  b. cc1613 Con, Eng. - see family of Peter & Joan below



Elizabeth BASSET bp. 14 Feb 1615 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (d/o Hanniball, IGI reg) m. 4 Apr 1638 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (OPR, BB) Biog: named to inherit 20 pounds in father's will of 1641,   m/to

Samuel WALTERS b. cc1615 Con, Eng.



Pasches BASSET bp. 25 Mar 1620 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, (d/o Hanniball, IGI reg)



Richard BASSET bp. 24 Nov 1622 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Hanniball, bt's IGI reg) Biog: named to inherit 5 pounds at end of his apprenticeship in father's will of 1641.



Haniball BASSET  bp. 10 Apr 1625 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, (s/o Hanniball, bt's IGI reg)



Marie BASSET bp. 15 Mar 1627 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (d/o Hanniball, opr IGI reg, also 15 May 1627, bt's IGI reg) Biog: named to inherit 20 pounds, when of age, in her father's will of 1641.



Nansevyn Vean tenement

Nanseven Veighan tenement belonged to John Hele of Wembury prior to 1636. Hele then sold it to John Bassett of Mawgan-in-Meneage, yeoman, on 1 November 1636. Hele reserved a lease previously granted to Hannibal Bassett (who we believe is the father of this John) on the lives of William Harry (father or brother probably of Amie Harry wife of Hannibal Bassett) John Bassett (the purchaser) and Peter Bassett (his brother). John Hele's daughter and heir, Lucy, married a Francis Bassett, son and heir of John Bassett of Tehidy, on 23 April 1674 at Illogan


. Their son, also Francis Bassett, married Mary Pendarves, daughter and heir of John Pendarves, rector of Dunsteignton, Devon, to whom John Bassett sold the above property in 1659, for £120, and Pendarves covented to grant Bassett a lease for three lives. The property later descended by marriage to the Bassetts of Tehidy. [H.L.Douch letter as curator Royal Institute of Cornwall, to Harold Gross] (Ref: from B. BENNETT)


+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + +


First child of Hanniball BASSETT & Amie HARRIE

(1) John BASSET bp. 9 Dec 1604 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Hanniball, IGI reg) m. 26 Jan 1636 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (OPR, BB) Biog: bequeathed half the tenement of Nanseven and the tenement lease of Trebeasacke in father's will of 1641,   m/to

Elynor OLDE bp. 17 Feb 1612 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (d/o Symon OLD (bp. 2 Jun 1588) & Sisley ROBERT m.29 Jan 1609 Mawgan - OPR, BB)



Elizabeth BASSET  bp. 9 Aug 1638 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (d/o John & Elinor, IGI reg)



Anna BASSET  bp. 21 Dec 1640 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (d/o John & Elinor, opr IGI reg) also 1 Dec 1640 (bt's IGI reg)



Hannibal BASSET  b. c1643 Con, Eng. (ref: B.BENNETT)



John BASSETT  bp. 14 Feb 1646 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o John, IGI reg)

John BASSETT  bp. 30 Mar 1646 Helston, Con, Eng. (s/o John, IGI reg)



Amy BASSET  bp. 28 Mar 1647 Helston, Con, Eng. (as Anna - d/o John BASSET, IGI reg) likely m. 22 Jun 1669 Landewednack, Con, Eng. (IGI patron) bd. 5 Aug 1735 Landewednack, Con, Eng. (ref: B.BENNETT),   m/to

Edward RICHARD b. cc1647



Peter BASSETT bp. 14 Jan 1649 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o John & Elinor, IGI reg) m. 20 Jun 1673 Perranuthnoe, Con, Eng,   m/to

Zibella JAMES  bp. 14 Jan 1653 Perranuthnoe, Con, Eng. (d/o Thomas JAMES of Perranuthnoe, OPR, BB) - see family of Peter & Zibella below



Henery BASSETT  bp. 6 Oct 1649 Helston, Con, Eng. (s/o John, IGI reg)



Joane BASSETT  bp. 23 Oct 1652 Helston, Con, Eng. (s/o John, IGI reg)



+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + +


Seventh child of Hanniball BASSETT & Amie HARRIET

(1) Peter BASSETTE bp. 24 Jun 1613 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Hanniball, IGI reg) m. c1645 Con, Eng. Biog: bequeathed the tenement lease of Basserow in father's will of 1641, of Roskyn Cutter Manor in Mawgan in manor lease in 1682. m/to

Joan b. 1622 Con, Eng. Biog: aged (60) in manor lease of 1682



Amy BASSETT  b. c1645 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (d/o Peter & Joan, IGI patron)



Richard BASSETT  b. 1653 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, (s/o Peter & Joan, IGI patron) m. 1673 Con, Eng. Biog: aged (30) in manor lease of 1682,   m/to

Duglis HARRY b. 1652 Con, Eng. Biog: aged (30) in the manor lease of 1682

A. Phillip BASSET bp. 24 Jan 1674 St Keverne, Con, Eng. (s/o Richard, IGI reg) d. 31 Jan 1674 St Keverne, Con, Eng. (IGI reg)

B. Hanyball BASSET bp. 12 Feb 1676 St Keverne, Con, Eng. (s/o Richard, IGI reg) d. 13 Feb 1676 St Keverne, Con, Eng. (IGI reg)



Joseph BASSETT b. 1659 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Peter & Joan, IGI patron) m. c1683 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. Biog: aged (23) in manor lease of 1682,   m/to

Zibella JAMES widow of cousin Peter BASSETT - see family of Joseph & Zibella below



Mary BASSETT  bp. 14 Mar 1661 St Keverne, Con, Eng. (d/o Peeter & Joane, IGI reg) Biog: aged (20) in manor lease of 1682



+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + +


(2) Peter BASSETT bp. 14 Jan 1649 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o John & Elinor, IGI reg) m. 20 Jun 1673 Perranuthnoe, Con, Eng. bd. 14 Apr 1681 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (OPR, BB), his will of 1681 bequeaths Nansevean to his two daughters,   m/to 

Sibella JAMES bp. 14 Jan 1653 Perranuthnoe, Con, Eng. (d/o Thomas JAMES of Perranuthnoe, OPR, BB)



Thomas BASSETT b. 1674 Perranuthnoe, Con, Eng. (s/o Peter & Zibella, IGI patron) bd. 18 Mar 1674/1675 Perranuthnoe, Con, Eng. (as s/o Peter of Marazion) died as an infant



Hanniball BASSETT bp. 16 Jun 1675 Perranuthnoe, Con, Eng. (s/o Peter & Sibil JANE, IGI patron) died as an infant



Elinor BASSETT b. c1675 of Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng, (s/o Peter BASSETT & Sibella JAMES, IGI patron) Biog: bequeathed half the tenement of Nanseven in father's will of 1681.



Ann BASSETT bp. 16 Apr 1678 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Peter & Zibella, IGI reg) Biog: bequeathed half the tenement of Nanseven in father's will of 1681.



+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + +


(1) Joseph BASSETT b. 1659 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Peter & Joan, IGI patron) m. c1683 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. Biog: aged (23) in manor lease of 1682,   m/to

Zibella JAMES bp. 14 Jan 1653 Perranuthnoe, Con, Eng. (d/o Thomas JAMES of Perranuthnoe, OPR, BB & widow of the cousin of Peter BASSETT above)



Johan BASSETT  bp. 18 Dec 1683 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (dau/o Joseph & Zibella, IGI reg)



Amey BASSETT  bp. 24 Aug 1685 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (d/o Joseph & Zibella, IGI reg)



HanibalL BASSETT  bp. 24 Apr 1687 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Joseph & Zibella, IGI reg)



Phillip BASSETT  bp. 16 Sep 1689 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (s/o Joseph & Zibella, IGI reg)



Grace BASSETT  bp. 12 Apr 1691 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (d/o Joseph & Zibella, IGI reg)



Mary BASSETT  bp. 8 Aug 1694 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (d/o Joseph & Zibella, IGI reg) m. c1712 Cornwall, Eng. to Philip ORCHARD



Elizabeth BASSETT  bp. 24 May 1696 Mawgan‑in‑Meneage, Con, Eng. (d/o Joseph & Zibella, IGI reg)



+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + +





The notes of Bruce BENNETT



Hannibal Bassett was born about 1575, probably the son of a John Bassett.  He may be named after Hannibal Vyvyan (1554 –1609) of Trelowarren in St.Martin.

He may have had a sister, Florance, the daughter of John and Margery Bassett, who was born about 1565. Margery was buried on 13 May 1589 at St.Martin.  Florance married Simon Carbens on 19 October 1589 at St.Martin-in-Meneage, a few months after her mother's death. They had three children but Simon died before his son, John, was married, in 1619. Anne Carbens, daughter of Symon, married Hazereball Bucher, son of William, on 3 February 1619 at St. Martin.


            Hanniball Bassett was a yeoman on Nansevyn Vean. He married Amie Harrie on 17 February 1602 at Mawgan-in-Meneage. Peter Harrie married Elizabeth Roberte on 3 October 1568 at Mawgan, and Peter Harrie of Nansiven was buried on 4 June 1609 at Mawgan. It is likely he was the father of Amie. Hannibal and Amie had eleven children; six of whom survived to be mentioned in Hannibal's will of 1641. He was not buried at Mawgan. Did he perish elsewhere during the Civil War?


                                                Hannibal Bassett   married   Amie Harrie



John     Amy           Margery      Mary       Michell    Peter     Elizabeth     Richard     Paschal    Hannibal    Maria

1604        ?              1608           1610          1611      1613        1615 ?         1620       1625        1627

           bur 1610                                      bur 1611                                     bur 1623       dsp          dsp           



            Of the eleven children of  Hanniball and Amie Bassett; Amy, Michell, Paschal, Hannibal and Maria  all appear to have died as infants. Margery and Mary are both named in their father's will of 1641 but both seem to have remained spinsters.  Elizabeth was baptised on 14 January 1615 and married Samuel Walters or Waters on 4 April 1638 at St.Mawgan [PR].They appear to have had two girls, Florence and Joan. Three sons are named in the will, John, Peter and Richard.


Nanseven Veighan tenement belonged to John Hele of Wembury prior to 1636. Hele then sold it to John Bassett of Mawgan-in-Meneage, yeoman, on 1 November 1636. Hele reserved a lease previously granted to Hannibal Bassett (who we believe is the father of this John) on the lives of William Harry (father or brother probably of Amie Harry wife of Hannibal Bassett) John Bassett (the purchaser) and Peter Bassett (his brother). John Hele's daughter and heir, Lucy, married a Francis Bassett, son and heir of John Bassett of Tehidy, on 23 April 1674 at Illogan. Their son, also Francis Bassett, married Mary Pendarves, daughter and heir of John Pendarves, rector of Dunsteignton, Devon, to whom John Bassett sold the above property in 1659, for £120, and Pendarves covented to grant Bassett a lease for three lives. The property later descended by marriage to the Bassetts of Tehidy. [H.L.Douch letter as curator Royal Institute of Cornwall, to Harold Gross]


                                                                                                                                                                Hanniball Bassett

                                                                                                                                                                     of Mawgan



William Pendarves                   John Hele (Heal)                John Bassett                          John Bassett          Peter Bassett

     of Rosorow                           of Wembury                          of Tehidy                                 of Mawgan          of St.Keverne 

               I                                          I                                        I                                         b.1604                 b.1613

    John Pendarves                    Lucy Hele      married      Francis Bassett                                                                                   

                                                                      in 1674                                                                I                          I

              I                                                                 I

     Mary Pendarves            married           Francis Bassett                                                          Hanniball Bassett


There is an undated reference amongst the Henderson Manuscripts to a document in which "John Hele of Wembury leases to Hannibal Bassett of Mawgan yeo for £58 Nanseven Veor als Nansevyn Veighan in Mawgan - lives of William Harry, John and Peter sons of sd William" [Henderson Mss EXX1 p 278, No. 932] The father of John and Peter written as sons of sd William probably should be sons of sd Hannibal.


Other similar but dated documents refered to by Henderson are as follows:

"No 269: 1 November 1636, John Hele of Wembury in Devon esq. for £120 sells to John Bassett of Mawgan-in-meneage yeoman the rent called Nansevyn veor als' nansevyn veighan in Mawgan- reserving the coppice wood lately sold to John Gwavasse for 3 years and a lease granted by John Hele to Hanniball Bassett, on lives of William Harry, John Bassett (the purchaser) & Peter Bassett his brother."[Henderson Mss vol V Bassett Deeds     Bundle B4, Nansevyn & Tregadreth in Mawgan]  

"No  271     1659    John Bassett of Mawgan yeoman sells to John Pendarves gent son of Wm Pendarves of Rosorow esq. who will grant him a lease on 3 lives and pay £120 all the above lands in Nanseven veor als' veon."[Henderson Mss vol V Bassett Deeds     Bundle B4, Nansevyn & Tregadreth in Mawgan]

"1659    Jo Pendarves esq leases Nanseven Veor als'  in Mawgan to John Bassett yeo for £20   lives Eleanor wife of lessee  Haniball & Peter their sons   -Smit to Roskyer Culter-  the sd John Bassett having a few days previous sold the freehold of the property to the sd John Pendarves"[Henderson Mss   EXX1  p277  No 933]

"1667   John Pendarves leases Boscawen to Peter Bassettt of St.Keverne yeo for £90   lives Joseph John & Mary children of lessor " [Henderson Mss  EXX1 p277  No 931]



"No 270   16 Chas II (1676) John Pendarves gent son of Wm P esq. quer. John Bassett & Eleanor his wife def.

1 mes 1 yard 1 orchd 30 acres 2 meadows 10 pastures 3  wed 10 heath in Nanseven veor als' nanseven vean in Mawgan"[Henderson Mss vol V Bassett Deeds     Bundle B4  Nansevyn & Tregadreth in Mawgan] 

'p 279/1673, Jo.P, leases to Peter Bassett C & C  Mawgan  St.Keverne yeo. the tenr of Roseoveor in Mawgan  lives _ Jane wife of lessee, Richard their son and Douglas Harrey dau of Edward Harrey of Feocke gent.

1683 addition of life of Mary Bassett dau. of Peter Bassett of mawgan yeo."[Henderson Mss vol V Bassett Deeds     Bundle B4, Nansevyn & Tregadreth in Mawgan] 

"No 935/1671, John Pendarves esq leases to Peter Bassett yeo. all the above who surrenders the lease agr (933) 1659 to John his father   lives Peter and his affianced wife Sibil dau of Tho. James of Perranuthnoe yeo.[Henderson Mss vol V   Bassett Deeds     Bundle B4  Nansevyn & Tregadreth in Mawgan]

"1693, Alexr Pendarves esq leases to Joseph Bassett of Mawgan yeo Nanseven Veor als nanseven veighan    lives lessee & Haniball his son reserve to Sibill wife of sd Joseph" [Henderson Mss  EXX1 p277  No 935]

[Henderson Cornish Manuscripts compiled by Professor Henderson in the period to 1920 and held in the County Museum Truro]


Manor Lease of 1682

In a survey of the Manor of Roskyn Cutter in Mawgan in meneage of 1682 the following properties tenanted by Peter Bassett were recorded:

Nanseven & Houn Roseveare   49 acres            lives Sibble Bassett age 30

Boscarwen                                23 acres           lives Joseph Bassett age 23 & Mary age 20

Trevelyan Veor                          47 acres           lives Joseph Bassett 23

 & Woodland                             8 acres             lives Mary Bassett age 20

Roseveor                                  26 acres           lives Johan Bassett age 60, Richard 30 &  Duglas 30


By 1704 the first four had passed to Joseph Bassett and the last, Roseveor, to Richard Bassett.


Will of Hannibal Bassett, 1641

"In the name of God Amen the fowerth day of December one thousand  six hundred forty one I Haniball Bassett of the parish of Mawgan in meneag in the County of Cornwall yeoman, being  sicke of body sound and pfecte of memory and remembrance thanks be to Almighty God, doe make and ordayne this my last will and testament in manner and forme following Viz first I comend and render my Soule to Almighty God my creator redeemer and qualifier, and my Body to the earth whereoff it was formed expecting my full resurrection of the same at the last day And my Body to be buried in Christian Buriall"

"Imprimus I give and bequeath unto John Bassett my sonne All my right  title and interest wch I have in a tenemente called Trebeasacke And my Will and meaning is that he pay for the same unto Richard Bassett my sonne the some of thirty pounds at the end of his apprentishipp

Item I give and bequeth unto Peter Bassett my sonne, all my estate title and interest wch I have in a tenement called Basserow he paying unto my sayd sonne Richard five pounds at the end of his Apprentishipp as aforesayd nd my desire is that my sayd sonne Peter would live wth his mother to be her comforte and helpe in her old years

Item I give and bequeth unto Elizabeth my daughter now the wife of Samuel Walters the some of twenty pounds to be payd within one year after my death

Item I give and bequeth unto Margery Bassett my daughter twenty nobles to be payd likewise wthin one yeare after my death

 Item I give and bequeth  unto my daughter Mary Bassett twenty pounds to be payd  unto her when she shall attaine the age of twenty years and that  she shall have competent mayntenance from my executors untill she obtains her legacy as aforesaid

Item I give and bequeth unto Elizabeth Row my servante one Cow And unto my servante  fabbye and all my grandchildren one ewe a pece

Item I give and bequeth unto Amy Bassett my wife the one half of the tenement of Nanseven where now I live and dwell during her life  and noe longer and the other halfe unto my sayd sonne John Bassett All the rest of my goods and chattells moveable and unmoveable I give and bequeth unto Amy my wife And John Bassett my sonne whom I doe ordaine and make my full and whole executors to be equally divided between them after these my legacies are sattissfied and my debts payd in  wittnes"     rest of document is missing  [wills at CRO, Truro]

            A true and perfecte inventory of the goods and chattles of Haniball Bassett of the parish of Mawgan in Meneag in the County of Cornwall yeoman deceased praysed by John Tubbe gent and Symon Old and Peter Calensoe  the 17th day of January Anno Dom. 1641                                                 £         s         d

Imprimus his purse gerdle and wearing apparell                                                  6         0         0

Item in crockes and pans                                                                                   10         0         0

Item in pewter                                                                                                   1         0         0

Item in table boarde and stooles                                                                        2         10         0

Item in beds with their furniture                                                                           10         0         0

Item in Corne in the mowhay and in the grounde                                                 40         0         0

Item in bookes                                                                                                  1         0         0

Item in Wodden Vessells                                                                                   1         0         0

Item in Piggs and Pullen                                                                        3         10         0

Item in Plowstufe and Irone worke                                                                      3         0         0

Item in five Keene                                                                                              12         0         0

Item in Fower Oxen                                                                                           11         0         0

Item in Fifteen young Bullocks                                                                           20         0         0

Item in Fifteen Horses mares and colts                                                               25         0         0

Item in five and Twenty sheepe                                                                          5         0         0

Item in Things unpraysed and forgotten                                                              3         0         0

Item in One Chattle lease in Bossorow                                                               50         0         0

Item in the Moyty of one chattle lease in Trebeasacke                                          40         0         0

                                                                                                Som total          244       0         0

                        John Tubbs     Symon Olds      Peter Calenzo

            praysed means valued; furniture of the bed refers to the curtains, hangings, covers, etc. associated with a four poster bed; chattle lease is for a term of years rather than a lease on lives. Symon Olde made his mark as he could not sign and Peter Calenzo made a decorative pattern for a signature.


            The eldest son John Bassett was baptised on 9 November 1604 at St.Mawgan [PR] John married Elynor Olde on 26 January 1636 at Mawgan [PR] and they appear to have had five children.  Elynor was baptised on 17 February 1612, the daughter of Symon Old and Sisley Robert who married 29 January 1609 at Mawgan.  Symon was a contemporary of Hanniball Bassett, being baptised on 2 June 1588, the son of Stevin Olde and Christian Edward, and was a family friend whose name appears later on wills and inventories of the Bassetts. John bought Nansevyn Vean (or veor) from John Hele in 1636, the year he married, for £120.  He was a yeoman and probably farmed at Nansevyn for the next ten years. He was left Trebeasacke in 1641 in his father's will as well as half of Nanseven tenement. After 1646 he seems to be living in Helston. He sold Nansevyn in 1659 to Jo Pendarves for £120, but leased the property back at that time for £20 on the lives of his wife and two sons.  Elynor was buried on 5 January 1670, by which time her youngest child, Peter, had just reached the age of twenty one. John himself was probably buried on 15 February 1673. [PR]or 16 Feb 1681? No will at Bodmin, perhaps a higher court?  Where is Trebeasake?



        ?                  Peter Harrie m.1568                               James Roberte                         Stephen Olde      

                                  Elizabeth Roberte                              m. Marie Prior              m. Christian Edward

        |                                        |                                                             |                                   |

Hannibal Bassett  m.1602  Amie Harrie                               Sisley Robert    m.1609    Symon Olde

                                                                                                     1587                                1588

                                                       |                                                  __________|____

                                                John Bassett   married in 1636   Elynor  Old      Giles


                                Elizabeth     Anna       Hannibal      John       Amy       Henry       Peter       Joane

                                   1638         1640                           1646      1647      1649        1649        1652


            Elizabeth was baptised on 9 August 1638 at Mawgan.

            Anna was baptised on 21 December 1640 at Mawgan.


            John was baptised on 14 February 1646 at Helston.

            Amy was baptised on 28 March 1647 at Helston and buried on 5 August 1735 at Landewednack.

            Peter (see below)

            Henry was baptised on 6 October 1649 at Helston.

            Joane was baptised on 23 October 1652.


            John's son Peter was baptised on 4 January 1649 at Helston, [PR] and we will refer to him as "the younger" to distinguish him from his uncle, also Peter Bassett. In 1671 Peter took up a lease on Nansevyn vean from Jo Pendarves, but surrendered the earlier lease to his father on the same property.  The lives on this lease included himself "and his affianced wife Sibil daughter of Thomas James of Perranuthnoe" Peter the younger may have inherited  a little on the eath of his father in February 1873; for he considered himself well enough off to marry on 20 June 1673 to Sibella James at Perranuthnoe.  Sibella was the daughter of Thomas James a yeoman of Perranuthnoe, and had been baptised there on 14 January 1653, so she was just 20 years of age. Their first child was named Thomas after Sibil's father, but unfortunately he died as an infant and was buried at Perranuthnoe on 18 March 1674/75, as son of Peter Bassett of Marazion. Their next child, Haniball, also died as an infant. They had two girls however who did survive to adulthood, Elinor and Ann. While they were still little girls their father died and he was buried on 14 April 1681 at St.Mawgan. [PR]. The little girls were fortunate in that they grew up with their mother and her new husband, Joseph Bassett, a cousin of their father, and had a number of younger half siblings with whom they apparently got on well.


 "In the name of God Amen I Peter Bassett of the pishe of Mawgan in Meneage in the County of Cornwall yeoman I do heare make my last will and testament in Manner and forme ffollowing, first I give and bequeth my  soule unto Almighty God my maker and redeemer and my bodie to Christian  Buriall, Item I give and bequeth unto both my daughters Elinor and Ann the moitie of halfendeale of my tenement of Nanseven Veor alias Nanseven Vean during the life of my wife  but if both of my said daughters shall happen to die before they come to age before my wife that then the said moyetie and estate shall fall and wholy redomne unto Sibilla my wife

Item I give and bequeth unto my wife the third prt of ye corne at Michaellmas wch shall grow on  the tenement of Nanseven for her only use and behoofe, Item I give and bequeth  unto my wife one heifer of three yeares old Item I give  and bequeth unto my wife one steed Bedd ffurnished and my best presse, All the rest of my Goods and Chattels moveable and unmoveable I give and bequeth unto my two daughters Elinor and Ann whom I make my whole and soale executrixes to pay my debts and legacy and to see this my will pformed  And I doe like wise nominate and appoint Thomas James of ye pishe of Perranuthnowe and John Osborne of ye pishe of Mawgan to be Gardians and overseers of thesemy Executrixes, In witness hereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale this twenty sixth day of March 1681. Signed Peter Bassett 

   In presence of us - John Osborne, Thomas James, Edward Fiske (or Priske)"



West Britain & Cornwall Advertiser – 1851 4 Apr

EDWARD SLADE, 50, was charged with stealing, on the 3rd of January, at St. Austell, a brass minute wheel of a clock, the property of HENRY ORCHARD, watch and clock maker. Acquitted.