BREAGE WILLS of the KITTO family
This file
contains the extracts of the wills of the following
Breage - written |
Jane KITTO widow of Breage - written
Samuel KITTO superannuated shipwright
from Her Majesties Dockyards of Stoke Damorel Devon - |
Elizabeth Williams KITTO widow of Breage, written proved |
yeoman of Breage, written proved |
The families of these Breage
KITTOs may be found through my web pages at
Will #1: William KITTO written
In the
name of God Amen, I WILLIAM KITTOW of the parish of Breage in the County of Cornwall being very weak in
body but in perfect mind and memory thanks be unto God therefore, do make and
ordain this my last will and testament. That is to say principally and first of
all, I give & recommend my soul into the Hands of God that gave it. And my
body I commend it to the earth to be buried in a Christian like & decent
manner at the discretion of my executrix hereafter named nothing doubting but
at the general resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power
of God. And as for my temporal estate do dispose of and give in the following
I give to my sister Margaret HARRYS five shillings ] All these three
to be
I give to my sister Amy FORD five shillings ] paid twelve months
I give to my sister Mary CARTER five shillings ] after my decease
I give to Jane my well beloved wife (whome I likewise make, constitute and
ordain my only and sole executrix of this my last will and testament) all my
lands, messuages, goods and chattels, movables and immovables by her freely to
be possessed and enjoyed. And likewise to be bequeathed and disposed of at her
discretion amongst my three children. With this proviso that she shall provide
all necessaryes for every and each of them to the utmost of her discretion so
as they be obedient to her tuition and government so long as she lives a widow
and unmarried, but on the contrary if she alters her condition and marrys (my
will is) she shall have and receive but one shilling and to be out of
possession of all.
For the better preserving and security of my dear children I request my Cousin
James COCK, my cousin John KITTOW, & the ROGERS of Trequean all of the
parish of Breage in the county above said as trustees over them hoping they
will endeavour to keep peace and quietness between them and as well see that
they may not be wronged, but according to this my last will and testament
(revoking all other wills) to the true interest and meaning of the teace??
thereof may have & receive their portions as their mother shall nominate
and appoint. But as all men are mortal and in case it shall please God to take
off my dear wife suddenly being not provided of any settlement amongst my
children I hereby give and bequeath to my son William one half of the estate I
have now in my possession and the other half to be equally divided between my
other two sons Anthony and John . Further my will is that if either of my three
sons shall happen to dye before they be marryed the portion of such son shall
be equally divided amongst each of them as are then surviving . In witness
where of I have here unto set my hand and seal this thirtyeth day of April in
the year of our Lord God one thousand seven hundred and twenty nine. 1729
signed and delivered Wm
KITTOE his (W) signe
the presence of us
(P) PERROE, his signe & William
HARRIS (signature)
?month 8th
A true and
perfect inventory of all and singular the goods and chatteles and credits of
William KITTOWE late of the parish of Breage in the County of Cornwall doust
valued and appraised by us whose names are subscribed the duly above said.
Imp- To his purse and girdle and wearing apparrell £ 2 – 10 - 0
Item to goods in the chamber over it £ 3 – 0 - 0
Item to quick stuff £ 15 – 0 -
Item to ½ of our chattel
& (?) in Hendra £100 – 0 - 0
Item to debts liberate(?) £ 10 – 0 -
Item to debts desperate(?) £ 5 – 0
- 0
£137 – 0 - 0
Henry ROGERS & Thomas ROGERS appraisers
Will #2: Jane
KITTO written
the name of God Amen. I JANE KITTOE weddow of the parish of Breague in the County of Cornwall being sick
and week in body but of perfect memory Blessed be God for itt, do make this my
last will and testement in manner and form following. -
first and princebly I committ my soul into the Hands of Almighty God who gave
it me hopeing through the merrits of Jesus Christ to have free pardon and
forgiveness of all my sins and my body I committ to the Earth and to be
decently buried at the discretion of my executor hereafter nominated. -
I give bequeath and devise unto my kinswoman Ann ARSLIER daughter of my sister
Margaret now the wife of William HARRES the full sum of twenty pounds of
lawfull money of Great Brittain to be paid at the end of one year after my
decease together with these fields of land commonly cald or known by Gittone
Park au Lower and the meddow and park being together with one table board and
frame and one hanging press and half a dozen of my best pewter platters and
half a dozen of my best pewter plates and my great crock and my best pan.
give to Ann BAWDEN my green gound and stays and one gray cloth coat. Item to
the said Ann BAWDEN two bushells of barley and one stride of wheat.
I give to Jone KITTO wife of John KITTO my silver laced coat
I give to my God childring the son of Francis FORD one shilling
to Henry HARRIS the same. Item to Richard WILLIAMS the same.
to John TREGEMBA and Ann his wife the same.
I give to Samuel PETTER son of John PETTER five shillings.
I give to Ann BOWDEN widow her children for seven years the sum of one half
crown yearly if she lives on the land shall so long live.
I give unto Honor TUCKFIELD of the parish of Germoe daughter of Francis
TUCKFIELD one guinea to be put in a gould ring for my son Sadie.
I give more to my kinswoman Ann AZELIER my bed tye and bolster and two pillows.
I give unto my brother-in-law William HARRY one shilling.
I give unto my sister Margaret wife of William HARRY one shilling
I give unto Mary KITTO daughter of John KITTO my best handkerchief.
lastly I doe hearby nominate constitute and ordain Samuel KITTO son of John
KITTO of the parish of Breague to be my whole and sole executor after this my
debts and leagell fees is paid and I do likewise nominate and appoint Mr Benjamin
ROWE of the parish of Breague and John KITTO father of this my executor
Samuel.KITTO to be his trustee until he comes of age and if he happen to dye
before that time all his effects shall return to his father or family. In witness hearof I have hereunto put my hand
and seal this eighth day of November 1739
sign (+) of Jane KITTO
sealed published and
in presence of us
sign of Edward PERROW
on WILL of
18th October 1749
STATEMENT - The will and bond upon the administration of the goods etc. of one
Jane KITTO which remains unadministered by John KITTOE one of the trustees
named in the said will during the minority of Samuel KITTOE the executor named
in the said will also deceased, granted to the said John KITTOE the principal
legatee named in the said will being first sworn in due form of law before the
Reverend W Jonathan BARON 6th master of arts surrogate etc saveing
all men by these presents that we John KITTOE of the parish of Breague in the
County of Cornwall tinner, John BLIGH of St Neot gentleman and Edward JACKSON
of Poweys yeoman are held and firmly bound unto the Worshipfull John SLEECH
Clerk master of arts, Archdeacon of the Archdeaconry of Cornwall, lawfully
constituted in the sum of fifty pounds of good and lawful money of Great
Brittain to be paid unto the said John SLEECH or to his certain attorney his
executor administrator or assignee to which payment well & truly to be made
we oblige ourselves and each and every one of us by him self for the whole of
our and each and every of our heirs executors & administrators firmly by
these presents.
with our seals dated this eighteenth day of October in the twenty third year of
the reign of our sovereign Lord George Second by the grace of God of Great
Brittain, France and Ireland, King Defender of the Faith er. and in the year of
out Lord 1749.
condition of the above written obligation is such that if the above bound on
John KITTOE the principal or residuary legatee named in the last will and
testament of Jane KITTO late of Breague aforementioned deed which remain
unadministered by the said John KITTOE as one of the trustees during the
minority of Samuel KITTOE the executor named in the said will who is saie dead
well and truly perform the contents of the said will and pay the just debts and
legacyes of the said deceased so far as his goods, chattels and credits do or shall
extend and the law charge him the said John KITTOE and exhibit or cause to be
exhibited into the registry of the Archdeaconry Court of Cornwall a true and
perfect inventory of all and singular the said goods, chattels and credits of
the said deceased that have or shall come to the hands possession or knowledge
of -- the said John KITTOE and render a true and first account thereupon when
there ulto lawfully required. Then this obligation to be void or else remain in
full force and virtue
sign of John (JK) KITTOE
and delivered in the presence of
BROWNE John BLIGHT the sign of Edward (J) JACKSON
Will #3:
Samuel KITTO written
I SAMUEL KITTO of and residing in the
Borough of Devonport, Parish of Stoke Damerel in the County of Devon, a
superannuated shipwright from Her Majesties Dockyards, being of sound mind and
-------- to avoid disputes after my decease do make and ordain this as my last
will and testament to give and bequeath to my beloved wife Sarah KITTO all my
household goods chattels ------- ------- and all my movable effects whatsoever
whom I likewise constitute make and obtain my sole executrix of this my last
and testament all and singular my ----
belongings at number nine Quarry Street, Devonport by her my said wife to
freely be disposed of and ------ and I do hereby utterly disalow and to disalow
all and every other and former testament wills ------- and bequest and
executors before made wills and bequests ratifying and confirming this and no
other to be my last will and testament as witnessed
---------- my hand and seal this twenty
first day of December one thousand eight hundred and fifty eight
Samuel KITTO ====
sign’d seal’d
publish’d and forad’r by the said Samuel KITTO the testator as and for
his last will and testament in the presence of us and ------ in his presence
and at his request and in the presence
of each other leave our names as witness
William ALEC and William FERRIS
at -------
Will #4: Elizabeth Williams
KITTO written
my daughter Mary Thomasine KITTO the
house built upon (Gryll’s estate) situate in
my daughter Emily Trend the house
adjoining the above named house (upon Gryll’s estate) now occupied by Mr Jacob
TREMBATH. The ground rent of these two
mentioned houses amounting to three pounds per annum to be paid by my said two
daughters in equal parts. Also to my
daughter Emily Trend the feather tic bolster and two pillows in my bed. Also two blankets and a quilt. Also three
silver spoons and the eight day clock which stands upstairs.
my daughter Jane WILLIAMS one of the
houses built upon Captain ROGERS land and situated in
my son Edward KITTO the house on
Captain ROGERS land which is situate next to the road above named and now
my son Benedict KITTO the two remaining
houses upon Captain Rogers land now occupied by Francis TYACKS and Mrs JAMES
respectively. Also my set of dinner
dishes and all the plates like and belonging to them. And I appoint my son Mr Benedict KITTO, 30
hereby revoke all other wills by me at any time heretofore made.
WITNESS whereof I have hereunto set my hand this tenth day of September one
thousand eight hundred and ninety four - Elizabeth Williams (her mark) KITTO
by the said Elizabeth Williams KITTO the testatrix as her last will and
testament in the presence of us present at the same time at her request in her
presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our name as
witnesses - Catherine HOSKING Church Town Breage - William Woolcock HOSKING
farmer Breage
the first day of August 1896, probate of this will was granted to Benedict
KITTO and Edward KITTO the executors
from probate records 18 June 1998)
Will #5: William KITTO yeoman of Breage, written
of William KITTO late yeoman of Breage
applied for
Will of William KITTO yeoman deceased proved in
common form before Thomas TREVETHAN clerk by virtue of a commission.
And administration of all and singular the goods etc
of the said deceased or anyway concerning the said will was and in granted to
Mary KITTO the widow of the said deceased and sole executrix named in the said
Being first sworn etc. saving etc. and inventory
stamped 10d. (Oaths included but not transcribed)
I William Kittoe of the parish of Breage in the County
of Cornwall yeoman being weak in body but of perfect and sound mind memory and
understanding do make and ordain this my Last and Testament Principally and
first of all, I Recommend my Soul into the hands of Almighty God that gave it.
and as Touching such Worldly goods and Chattles as it hath pleased god to Bless
me with I give and dispose of in Manner and form following.
Imprimis I give and bequeath
unto my son William Kittoe the sum of Ten Pounds at the Expiration of Four
years after my decease.
Item I give and bequeath unto my son Thomas Kittoe
the sum of Thirty Pounds at the Expiration of Two years after my decease. -
Item I Give and bequeath
unto my daughter Mary Kittoe the sum of Five Pounds at the Expiration of Four
years after my decease.
Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Ann
Kittoe the sum of Five Pounds at the Expiration of Four years after my decease.
Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Jennifer
Kittoe the sum of Five Pounds to be paid her when she attain the age of Twenty
one years.
Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter
Elizabeth Kittoe the sum of Five Pounds to be paid her when she attain the age
of Twenty one years.
Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter
Thomazine Kittoe the sum of Five Pounds to be paid her when she attain the age
of Twenty one years.
Lastly I do
make and ordain my dear beloved wife to be my whole and sole
Executor of all my worldly goods and Chattles as it
hath pleased God to bless
me with in this life in paying or causing to be paid
the aforementioned Legasies
seeing my Funeral decently Performed and paying all
my debts whatsoever or wheresoever
there is or may be at the time of my decease making
and ordaining this and
none other to be my last will and testament as
witnessed my hand and seal
this Twentieth day of April One Thousand eight
Hundred and six.
Signed and Sealed William … Kitto
In presence of
William Wright AP/th
Joseph Wright